RHiZOME Desktop Pictures
| Menu | Africa | Portrait | Silk Road | Street | Various | Desktop Picture |

You can get free wallpapers (desktop pictures). You can work upon these images as long as you use them for the background of your PC's monitor. The usage of these images is limited to that.

It is prohibited to use them for any other usages; to use for your website, to distribute, to print out and to link directly them. If you would like to use these images personally, please send an inquiry to me by email: rhizome⊕pekori.to

It will be opened with new window.

1024*768 and1440*900
Nostalgia NG01 Distance SharingCircle CrossCousin

1024*768 and 832*624
LondonBus NamibDesert Drops Poster chatan
SpiderWeb independants chatan NG02 NG03

| Menu | Africa | Portrait | Silk Road | Street | Various | Desktop Picture |
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